Legacy Society at The CAC

Create a legacy of hope and healing through planned giving.

Planned Gifts can make a significant impact on child sexual abuse survivors and their families by providing for The CAC’s long-term well-being. Join our Legacy Society to sustain our protective and healing services for years to come and provide hope and healing to children and families. 

Common ways to leave a legacy at The CAC


Include a provision for a bequest for The Children’s Assessment Center Foundation (The CAC) in your will. An example of bequest wording is below. 

I give, devise, and bequeath ____________________ to The Children’s Assessment Center Foundation, 2500 Bolsover, St., Houston, TX 77005. Tax ID: 76-0458780.

  • The sum of $___________.
  • __________% of my estate.
  • The residue of my estate.
  • The following described property ________.

Lifetime Income Gifts

With a lifetime income gift, you can receive tax benefits and provide an income stream for your family and a charitable gift to The CAC. Life income gifts include:

Charitable Gift Annuity: provides you with a fixed income for life.

Charitable Lead Trust: provides payments to The CAC for a fixed number of years after your death, and the remainder is given to your family.

Charitable Remainder Trust: provides income for you for life and your family for a fixed number of years, with the remainder supporting The CAC. 

Charitable IRA

Donors over 70.5 can avoid tax penalties by rolling over up to $100,000 a charity. Add The CAC as a beneficiary of your retirement account. 

Life Insurance

You may designate The CAC as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy you own. 


Planned gifts can include homes, property, valued possessions, stock, or business interests. 

Many of these options are easy and flexible to implement. You can change your mind and adjust beneficiary designations at any time. Learn about The CAC’s Gift Acceptance Policy here. 

Planned gifts may have tax benefits. The Children’s Assessment Center Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization, tax ID 76-0458780. Talk to your financial advisor or attorney for guidance on your specific situation.

Let us know of your planned giving intent by contacting Cassi Donovan, Development Manager, to set up a time to discuss how leaving a legacy gift can make the most impact at The CAC. You can reach Cassi at Cassi.Donovan@cac.hctx.net or fill out this form.

Thank you for your dedication to supporting our mission to empower families along their healing journey and being a part of the solution to end child sexual abuse in our community.