Community Outreach

The CAC strives to increase public awareness of child sexual abuse through Outreach and Prevention.

Our staff and volunteers are frequently invited to make presentations to schools, civic organizations, religious organizations and other social service agencies to educate professionals and parents about issues relating to child sexual abuse. We continue to provide extensive community outreach including educational programs, community and professional trainings, and expert court testimony.

In order to prevent child abuse in our community, each of us must educate ourselves about abuse and make a personal commitment to stand up for children. We must do this as individuals, organizations, and, ultimately, as a community. If you are a school professional, parent, person working for children, or want to discuss ways to keep children safe, please contact us at (713) 986-3482 or email


Speaker Request Program

The CAC provides trainings and education to community members and professionals through the Speaker Request Program. For a complete list of upcoming trainings and trainings available through our Speaker Request Program, or to request a training or prevention program, please email Karen Kennard, Director of Training and Education, at

To receive emails regarding upcoming professional training opportunities, please send an email to with “Add me to the Training Email List” in the subject line.

Speaker Request Form