As we continue to monitor developments regarding COVID-19, we hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and safe.
We recognize this situation is evolving, and one that will affect us all in the days to come. Compassionate constituents like yourself are what allow us to continue forward, and we thank you for your dedication. The Children’s Assessment Center is committed to the ongoing treatment and healing of the children and families in our community, and hope that you will continue to depend on us as a resource for education and prevention.
With consideration to the many members of Harris County affected both directly and indirectly, we have rescheduled the 21st Annual Spirit of Spring Luncheon and Fashion Show, to be held on October 30th, 2020. We encourage you to look forward with us towards this event, and hope that you can make plans to join us if you are not yet involved. Should you have questions, please reach out to either Cassi Donovan, Development Specialist, at or to Amber Waska, Development Manager, at
Updates will follow should further changes be made, and we appreciate your understanding as we work to ensure the safety of our staff, our clients, and our fellow community members.