Author: Amber Waska
Please see below for tip cards containing information about keeping children safe during the Covid-19 pandemic:
- Protection during the Covid-19 pandemic ( English version)
- Protection during the Covid-19 pandemic ( Spanish version)
- Teachers Guide
- Counselors- Help Protect Campers from Abuse
Please note that we have taken additional precautions to ensure the safety of everyone who visits the CAC, including:
- Reduction in staff in the building to minimize risk
- Additional cleaning staff added to ensure all areas remain clean
- Limiting the number of visitors in waiting areas to comply with social distancing protocols
- Face masks are required for all employees and visitors
- All toys have been removed from rooms to eliminate the risk of contamination
As an essential service, we remain open to provide the best possible care for the children of our community.
Kerry McCracken, J.D.
Executive Director
The Children’s Assessment Center
As we continue to monitor developments regarding COVID-19, we hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and safe.
We recognize this situation is evolving, and one that will affect us all in the days to come. Compassionate constituents like yourself are what allow us to continue forward, and we thank you for your dedication. The Children’s Assessment Center is committed to the ongoing treatment and healing of the children and families in our community, and hope that you will continue to depend on us as a resource for education and prevention.
With consideration to the many members of Harris County affected both directly and indirectly, we have rescheduled the 21st Annual Spirit of Spring Luncheon and Fashion Show, to be held on October 30th, 2020. We encourage you to look forward with us towards this event, and hope that you can make plans to join us if you are not yet involved. Should you have questions, please reach out to either Cassi Donovan, Development Specialist, at or to Amber Waska, Development Manager, at
Updates will follow should further changes be made, and we appreciate your understanding as we work to ensure the safety of our staff, our clients, and our fellow community members.
Charity Navigator announces that “The Children’s Assessment Center Foundation has earned our tenth consecutive 4-star rating. This is our highest possible rating and indicates that your organization adheres to sector best practices and executes its mission in a financially efficient way. Attaining a 4-star rating verifies that The Children’s Assessment Center Foundation exceeds industry standards and outperforms most charities in your area of work. Only 2% of the charities we evaluate have received at least 10 consecutive 4-star evaluations, indicating that The Children’s Assessment Center Foundation outperforms most other charities in America. This exceptional designation from Charity Navigator sets The Children’s Assessment Center Foundation apart from its peers and demonstrates to the public its trustworthiness.”
Details to follow…
Thanks to Arnold Ventures for their generous support, and thank you to each and every contributor who helped to make a this particular Saturday morning, a very special one.
Over 100 children participated in our annual Back to School celebration, and they were able to do so because of your contributions.
Thank you to the many supporters who made this possible, we appreciate each and every one of you!